Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Wolf Quotes

A collection of wolf quotes I found Online, Enjoy.

"All species capable of grasping this fact manage better in the struggle for existence than those which rely upon their own strength alone: the wolf, which hunts in a pack, has a greater chance of survival than the lion, which hunts alone. "
~Christian Lous Lange

"Careless shepherd make excellent dinner for wolf."
~Earl Derr Biggers

"If you live among wolves you have to act like a wolf. "
~Nikita Khrushchev

"It is madness for sheep to talk peace with a wolf."
~Thomas Fuller

"Man is not man, but a wolf to those he does not know."
~Titus Maccius Plautus

"I've always said that the best wolf habitat resides in the human heart. You have to leave a little space for them to live."
~ Ed Bangs

"The timber wolves will be our friends
We'll stay up late and howl,
At the moon, till nighttime ends,
Before going on the prowl"
~ Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes

"The caribou feeds the wolf, but it is the wolf who keeps the caribou strong."
~ Keewation (Inuit) proverb

"The gaze of the wolf reaches into our soul."
~ Barry Lopez

"Perhaps it was the eyes of the wolf, measured, calm, knowing.
Perhaps it was the intense sense of family.
After all, wolves mate for life, are loyal partners, create hunting communities
and demonstrate affectionate patience in pup rearing.
Perhaps it was the rigid heirarchy of the packs.
Each wolf had a place in the whole and yet retained his individual personality.
Perhaps it was their great, romping, ridiculous sense of fun.
Perhaps it was some celestial link with thw winter night skies
that prompted the wolf to lay his song on the icy air.
For the native people who lived with the wolves,
and the wolves once ranged from the Arctic to the sub-tropics,
there was much to learn from them.
Is it any wonder that the myths of many tribes characterise the wolves
not as killers but as teachers?"
~ Unknown

~Moonstone Tala Amaya

Saturday, 11 June 2011


Once a body dies, it is believed that the spirit departs from the body and goes either to the spirit realm or continues to walk the earth. Those spirits who  walk the earth are commonly called ghosts. Contacting a spirit is found in some religions and can be done by anyone! But be warned spirits can have a negative effect on you.
Here is how to contact a spirit SAFELY. you must follow each direction CAREFULLY.

Step one: First off, find a comfortable space to meditate. close your eyes, cross your legs and focus on only your breathes. you can also use a candle as well.

Step two: cast a protection spell, or ritual, or prayer. it also helps to carry a protection stone, such as a tigers eye or onyx.

Step 3:  focus on the question "what would you like me to know?" in your mind. and then repeat it ALOUD seven times.

Step four:  Examine the resulting mental activity. Some time after asking the spirits what they want you to know, you should find yourself becoming distracted by mental images or a few words that keep appearing in your mind. This is your answer

Step five: Make a pendulum if you're having difficulty with the meditation. Attach a fishing sinker to an 18-inch piece of fishing line. Hold the sinker suspended in the air, with your elbow on the table. Ask the pendulum to swing in one direction if the answer is "yes" and the other direction if the answer is "no."

Step six: Try scrying. Sit in a dark room lit by a single candle and look into a mirror. For best results, turn the mirror slightly or sit beside it at an angle, so you're not staring directly at your own reflection. Do not focus your eyes on anything in particular; in time, you should be able to see images other than your own.

Friday, 3 June 2011

The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

Since I covered the Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses, I might as well cover the Egyptian ones too.

-Ra God of the sun
-Anubis God of the dead
-Bastet the cat Goddess
-Sehkmet Goddess of Fire and War
-Nut Goddess of the Sky and Stars
-Geb God of the Earth
-Horus God of the Pharaohs
-Osiris God of the Afterlife
-Isis Goddess of Magick and Healing
-Seth God of Deserts and Chaos
-Thoth God of Scribe and Wisdom
-Ma'at Goddess of Justice
-Amun God of Thebes, king of Gods in New Kingdom
-Wadjet Goddess of Protection
-Anuket Goddess of the River Nile
-Hathor Goddess of Love and Children
-Ptah God of Artists
-Bes drawf God of Children
-Sobek God of Crocodiles
-Serqet Goddess of Scorpions
-Aten God of the Sun

These are a few of the Egyptian Gods.
~Moonstone Tala Amaya

Thursday, 2 June 2011


If you have anything related to the "Mythical world" Or The world of the mystical or Spells or anything That you wish posted on. Like if you have a spell you want posted, or a topic you wish discused COMMENT Your Ideas! I Love them comments!
~Moonstone Tala Amaya

The Zodiacs

This is about the Twelve Zodiacs and their meanings, symbols etc...

March 18 - April 19
Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Mars
Symbol: The Ram
Stone: Ruby

April 20- May 20
Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Venus
Symbol: The Bull
Stone: Emerald

May 21- June 20
Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Symbol: The Twins
Stone: Aquamarine

June 21- July 22
Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: The Moon
Symbol: The Crab
Stone: Moonstone (Har Har I'm Aquarius *eye roll*)

July 23- August 22
Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: The Sun
Symbol: The Lion
Stone: Petridot

August 23- September 22
Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Symbol: The Virgin
Stone: Sapphire

September 23 - October 23
Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Venus
Symbol: The Scales
Stone: Opal

October 24- November 21
Element: Water
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Symbol: The Scorpion
Stone: Topaz

November 22 - December 21
Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Symbol: The Archer
Stone: Turquoise

December 22- Janurary 19
Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Symbol: The Goat
Stone: Garnet

Janurary 20 - Feburary 18
Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Symbol: The Water Bearer
Stone: Amethyst

Feburary 19 - March 20
Element: Water
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Symbol: The Fish
Stone: Bloodstone

~Moonstone Tala Amaya

The Gods And Goddesses

I have lately gotten interested in the Greek gods and goddesses, Due to a book i read called "The Goddess Test". Its about this girl named Kate, she has to complete the test to be Henry's (who claims to be Hades) wife and goddess, to help him rule the Underworld. (I'll write about the Underworld at a later date) But anyways, I wanted to share a list of the gods and goddesses and their symbolization.

-Aphrodite: Goddess of Love and Beauty.
She was married to the Greek god Hephaestus, and She had a son Aros. Her symbols include a Rose, a scallop shell, and a Myrtle wreath. Her sacred animal is the dove. 

-Apollo: God of music and poetry.
He is God of healing, plague, prophecies, poetry, The sun and archery. Often associated with the sun or light. He is twin brother to Artemis, Hermes older brother, and son of Leto and Zeus. His various symbols include, The Raven, bow and quiver, lyre, and a laurel wreath. His sacred animal is the red bull.

-Ares: God of war, blood lust, and violence.
Ares is god of  violence, manly courage, and civil order. Son of Zeus and Hera, His attributes are golden armour and a bronze-tipped spear. His sacred animals are the vulture, venomous snakes, alligators, and dogs.

-Artemis: Goddess the hunt and wilderness.
She is Virgin goddess of wild animals, She later became associated with the Moon. Daughter of Leto and Zeus, and twin sister of Apollo, In addition to the bow, her attributes include hunting spears, animal pelts, deer, and other wild animals. Her sacred animals are deer, bears, and wild boars.

-Athena: Goddess of wisdom, warfare, battle strategy, heroic endeavour, handicrafts and reason.
In most legends she is born from Zeus' head. Her symbols include but are not limited to the aegis and the olive tree. She is commonly shown accompanied by her sacred animal, the snowy owl.

-Demeter: Goddess of fertility, agriculture, horticulture, grain and harvest.
Daughter of Cronus and Rhea, sister of Zeus with whom she had Persephone. Her symbols are the horn of plenty,  wheat-ears, the winged serpent and the lotus staff. Her sacred animals are pigs and snakes.

-Dionysus: God of wine, parties and festivals, madness, civilization, drunkenness and pleasure at forever young.  His attributes are the thyrsus, Drinking cup, grapevine and crown of ivy. Animals sacred to him include dolphins, serpents, tigers, panthers, and donkeys.

-Hades or Pluto: King of the Underworld and god of the dead and the hidden wealth of the Earth.
His consort is Persephone, and his attributes are the key of Hades, the Helm of Darkness, and the three-headed dog, Cerberus. The screech owl is sacred to him.

- Hephaestus: Crippled God of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, sculpture and volcanism.
Son of Hera, He is metal smith of the gods, And Aphrodite's Husband. His Symbols are His symbols are the hammer, tongs, and anvils. His sacred animal donkey, the guard dog and the crane. When he was born, he was thrown off of Mount Olympus by Hera as he was considered ugly.

-Hera: Queen of marriage, women, childbirth, heirs, kings and empires.
She is daughter of Rhea and Cronus. Her sacred animals are the cow, the peacock.

-Hermes: God of travel, messengers, trade, thievery, cunning wiles, language, writing, diplomacy, athletics, and animal husbandry. He is the messenger of the gods, And son of Zeus and Maia. His attributes include the herald's wand or Caduceus winged sandals, and a traveler's cap. His sacred animals are the tortoise, the ram, and the hawk.

-Hestia: Virgin goddess of the hearth, home and cooking. She is a daughter of Rhea and Cronus and sister of Zeus. symbols are the hearth and kettle. In some accounts, she gave up her seat as one of the Twelve Olympians to tend to the sacred flame on Mount Olympus for Dionysus.

-Poseidon: God of the sea, rivers, floods, droughts, storms, earthquakes, and horses; known as the "Earth Shaker" or "Storm Bringer". Son of Rhea and Cronus, The horse and the dolphin are sacred to him.

-Zeus: The king of the gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky, weather, thunder, law, order, and fate.
Youngest child to Rhea and Cronus. His usual attributes are the royal sceptre and the lightning bolt. His main attribute was his master bolt. His sacred animals are the eagle and the bull.

-Aether: God of the upper air and light.

-Ananke: Goddess of inevitability, compulsion and necessity.

-Erebos or Erebus: God of darkness and shadow.

-Gaia: Personification of the Earth (Mother Earth); mother of the titans.

-Hemera: Goddess of daylight and the sun

-Chaos: The nothingness from which all else sprang

-Chronos: The Keeper of Time. Not to be confused with Chronus.

-The Nesoi: Goddesses of the islands.

-Nyx: Goddess of night. She is also the only being from which Zeus turned when her son Hypnos, who had angered Zeus, hid behind her.

-Uranus: God of the heavens (Father Sky); father of the Titans. He banished his children, the Cyclopes and the Hecatonchires, to the underworld because they did not please him.

-The Ourea: Gods of mountains.

-Phanes: God of procreation

-Pontos: God of the sea, father of the fish and other sea creatures.

-Tartarus: The darkest, deepest part of the underworld.

-Thalassa: Spirit of the sea and consort of Pontos.

-Hyperion: Titan of light. With Theia, he is the father of Helios (the sun), Selene (the moon) and Eos (the dawn).

-Lapetus: Titan of mortality and father of Prometheus, Epimetheus and Atlas.

-Coeus: Titan of intellect and the axis of heaven around which the constellations revolved.

-Krios: The least individualized of the Twelve Titans, he is the father of Astraios, Pallas and Perses.

-Kronos: The leader of the Titans, who overthrew his father Uranus only to be overthrown in turn by his son, Zeus. Not to be confused with Chronos, the god of time.

-Mnemosyne: Titan of memory and remembrance, and mother of the Nine Muses.

-Oceanus: Titan of the all-encircling river Oceanus around the earth, the font of all the Earth's fresh-water.

-Phoebe: Titan of the "bright" intellect and prophecy, and consort of Koios.

-Rhea: Titan of female fertility, motherhood, and generation. She is the sister and consort of Cronus, and mother of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter and Hestia

-Tathys: Wife of Oceanus, and the mother of the rivers, springs, streams, fountains and clouds.

-Theia: Titan of sight and the shining light of the clear blue sky. She is the consort of Hyperion, and mother of Helios, Selene and Eos.

-Themis: Titan of divine law and order

-Astrea: Titan of nocturnal oracles and falling stars.

-Astraeus: Titan of stars and planets, and the art of astrology

-Atlas: Titan forced to carry the sky upon his shoulders. Also Son of Iapetus.

-Aura: Titan of the breeze and the fresh, cool air of early morning.

-Dione: Titan of the oracle of Dodona.

-Eos: Titan of the dawn.

-Epimetheus: Titan of afterthought and the father of excuses.

-Eurynome: Titan of the mastery of the seas and consort of Krios

-Helios: Titan god of the sun and guardian of oaths.

-Clymene or Asia: Titan of renown, fame and infamy, and wife of Iapetos

-Lelantos: Titan of air and the hunter's skill of stalking prey. He is the male counterpart of Leto

-Leto: Titan of motherhood and mother of Artemis and Apollo.

-Menoetius: Titan of violent anger, rash action, and human mortality. Killed by Zeus.

-Metis: Titan of good counsel, advise, planning, cunning, craftiness and wisdom, and mother of Athena

-Ophion: An elder Titan, in some versions of the myth he ruled the Earth with his consort Eurynome before Cronus overthrew him.

-Pallas: Titan of warcraft. He was killed by Athena during the Titanomachy.

-Perses: Titan of destruction

-Prometheus: Titan of forethought and crafty counsel, and creator of mankind.

-Selene: Titan of the moon.

-Styx: Titan of the Underworld, river Styx and personification of hatred.

This is all i had time to post if you wish for more information go to here:

I added The titans into this blog entry. Hope you enjoyed.
May the Moon carry you dreams of happiness ~Moonstone Tala Amaya